Cell Phone Expectations

Cell Phones Away for the Day at Hutt Valley High School

Published – 20 March 2024

The government has introduced new regulations requiring schools to restrict students’ cell phone access. 

The law requires that schools ensure students do not use or access a phone while attending school, including during lunchtime and breaks. Please find Hutt Valley High School’s proposed rules below. If you have comments or feedback, please email the Principals’ PA, Lana Goddard at office@hvhs.school.nz with the ‘Cell phone’ in the email subject line. 

We have attempted to balance the benefits of modern technology and the need to communicate efficiently and effectively with the new law. 

We expect students’ phones to be away for the day, meaning phones either do not come with the student to school (recommended) or are switched off or placed in flight mode for the day. Eliminating cell phones from classroom environments frees students from the distraction of notifications and social media interruptions, allowing them to engage more deeply with lesson content.

Hutt Valley High School’s Cell Phone Rules

1. Cell phones, headphones, and AirPods are prohibited during classes unless at the teacher’s invitation. This includes mentor time, classes in the Library and education outside the classroom. 

2. If cell phones are brought to school, they must be turned off or put in flight mode for the school day. Cell phones will be placed in the classroom’s storage pocket or box during lessons. Cell phones must remain turned off or in flight mode and inside a bag (not to be seen or heard) during intervals, lunchtime, study and when walking between lessons. The only exception to this will be at the beginning of lunchtime when all students can access their cell phones to quickly check notices and messages on SchoolBridge, such as sports cancellations, postponements, changes of venue, reading Kamar notices, or Wellbeing Team requests. We expect no student to spend more than two minutes on their cell phones and that most of the break will be cell phone-free. Students may use their headphones at intervals and lunch.

Procedure for Breaches of Cell Phone Rules & Procedures at Hutt Valley High School

  • If students disregard these rules, they will be immediately asked to report to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) offices with their cell phones. 
  • If a student is sent to meet with the SLT, their cell phone will be retained and can be collected at the end of the day for a first offence. Parents and caregivers will be notified. 
  • It will be considered defiance if a student ignores a teacher’s request to report to SLT as instructed, and it will be dealt with accordingly. 
  • If a student is sent to the SLT more than once, they may be required to submit their cell phones at the start of the school day to be returned at 3:15 p.m. for one or more school days. 
  • Further school discipline procedures will be followed if the behaviour continues despite the steps above. 

Exemptions to Hutt Valley High School’s Cell Phone Rules & Procedures

We understand that students may need to use their cell phones during class to support an immediate health need, e.g. students who use a blood glucose monitoring app or have hearing aids connected to their cell phones. To apply for an exemption, please email the Principals’ PA, Lana Goddard at office@hvhs.school.nz

Contacting Your Student During the School Day

If a parent or caregiver needs to contact their student urgently during the school day, please call the Office on (04) 566 4584. The school has student runners and staff who will ensure emergency messages are passed on promptly. Students may use the phone at the Student Reception for personal calls.

Procedures for Supporting Students to Comply with Cell Phones Away for the Day Rules 

  • Teachers will remind students of the cell phone rules at the start of every lesson. 
  • Teachers will provide a safe space for students to store their phones during lessons. Students are encouraged to put their phones in the provided space before the roll is taken at the start of the lesson. Students find it hard to ignore their phones if left in pockets or bags during lessons. 
  • If cell phones need to be used for a learning activity, this will be at the teacher’s discretion. Cell phone usage will be supervised. 
  • Joining in lunchtime clubs and activities will be encouraged. Sports equipment is available from the Sports Office. 
  • Students should take their bags and cell phones if they leave class for an appointment or if there is an emergency. 
  • Students leaving class to go to the bathroom or if using a Mauri Ora card will not be permitted to take a cell phone with them.