Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei Te Kura Tuarau o Te Awakairangi.
We welcome you to Hutt Valley High School. Our school is a vibrant and exciting coeducational and multicultural high school with an outstanding reputation for preparing students well for their futures.
Founded in 1926 we offer high-quality education in an inclusive, positive and nurturing environment. Our students are firmly at the centre of all we do – with their wellbeing seen as important as academic, cultural and sporting success. We look forward to you joining us.

Maria from Brazil
Olá, meu nome é Maria, tenho 16 anos, sou brasileira e estou aqui no Hutt Valley High School para estudar por um ano. Eu vim para a Nova Zelândia com o principal objetivo de viver novas experiências, fazer memórias e novos amigos, e me sinto muito feliz em dizer que estou conseguindo fazer isso.
Hi, my name is Maria, I’m 16 years old and I’m originally from Brazil and I’m here at Hutt Valley High School to study for one year. I came to New Zealand with the main purpose of living new experiences and making memories and new friends, and I feel so happy to say that I’m being able to do so.

Trâm from Viet Nam
Tôi tên là Trâm và tôi 18 tuổi. Quốc tịch của tôi là người Việt Nam. Tôi đã tìm thấy Trường Trung học Hutt Valley từ một hội thảo ở đất nước của tôi cùng với gia đình. Trường trung học Hutt Valley là một môi trường tốt để tôi gặp gỡ những người mới và học hỏi những điều mới.
My name is Tram and I’m 18 years old. My nationality is Vietnamese. I found out about Hutt Valley High School from a workshop in my country with my family. Hutt Valley High School is a good environment for me to meet new people and learn new things.

Pedro from Brazil
Meu nome é Pedro Henrique, tenho 17 anos e sou brasileiro.
Cheguei na Nova Zelândia em julho de 2023. Estou muito feliz com a minha experiência aqui e sinto que melhorei significativamente o meu inglês, o que me preparou melhor para o meu futuro profissional. Gostaria de agradecer profundamente a Jodie, Anna e Joanna pelo apoio que ofereceram a mim e aos demais estudantes.
My name is Pedro Henrique; I’m 17 years old and I’m Brazilian. I arrived in New Zealand in July 2023. I am very pleased with my experience here and feel that I have significantly improved my English, which has better prepared me for my future professional endeavors. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Jodie, Anna, and Joanna for the support they provided to me and other students.

Alicia from Germany
Meine Erfahrung an der Hutt Valley High School.
Ich bin sehr glücklich hier und werde meinen Aufenthalt sogar verlängern, um weiterhin viele, viele gute Erinnerungen mit meinen Freunden und in der Schule zu sammeln.
My experience at Hutt Valley High School so far.
I’m very happy here and will even extend my stay, to continue making many, many more good memories with my friends and at school.

Mariana from Brazil
Olá, meu nome é Mariana Lima de Oliveira, sou do Brasil. Minha passagem por Wellington foi, até agora, a experiência mais louca da minha vida. Aprendi muito sobre mim e do que sou capaz, depois de sair da minha zona de conforto.
Hi my name is Mariana Lima de Oliveira, I’m from Brazil. My time in Wellington has been, so far, the craziest experience of my life. I have learned a lot about myself and what I’m capable of, after getting out of my comfort zone.

Brandon from Hong Kong
我是來自香港的 Brandon Chung, 現在讀 10 年級 。Hutt Valley High School 提供許多運動和俱樂部,我加入了許多,這讓我 在新西蘭的生活非常充實。 我在第三學期加入了網球隊、羽毛球隊和乒 乓球隊,在第四學期我將參加高爾夫、飛盤和保齡球。
I am Brandon Chung from Hong Kong and I’m in Year 10. There are many sports and clubs offered by Hutt Valley High School and I have joined many which makes my life in New Zealand very fruitful. I joined the tennis, badminton, and table tennis teams in Term 3 and will take golf, ultimate frisbee and bowling in Term 4.

Breno from Brazil
Olá, meu nome é Breno Armstrong Batistela tenho 16 anos, eu sou de Campo Grande no Brasil. Eu gostei bastante da escola e dos professores. A Nova Zelândia é um país muito bonito, conheci muitas praias legais, viajei para a Ilha Sul, fiz muitos amigos e tive uma experiência de uma cultura diferente da minha.
Hello, my name is Breno Armstrong Batistela, I’m 16 years old, I’m from Campo Grande in Brazil. I really liked the school and the teachers. New Zealand is a very beautiful country, I visited many cool beaches, traveled to the South Island, made many friends, and had an experience of a culture different from mine.

Binh from Vietnam
Xin chào, Tôi tên là Bình, tôi 16 tuổi và đến từ Việt Nam. Tôi là một du học sinh và đang học năm 12 tại trường trung học Hutt Valley. Tôi đến New Zealand được 10 tháng. Lý do tôi đến đây và học tại trường trung học Hutt Valley là vì New Zealand là một nơi yên bình.
Hello, My name is Binh, I’m 16 years old and come from Vietnam. I’m an international student studying in year 12 at Hutt Valley High School. I came to New Zealand for 10 months. The reason I came here and studied in Hutt Valley high school is because New Zealand is a peaceful place.

Chosen from China
大家好,我叫 Chosen, 来自中国辽宁。 我在赫特谷高中学习已经快五年了。这是一所很大的学校,有很多来自其他国家的学生。 它有许多运动和科目可供您选择。 我们与很多 当地学生交谈,了解不同的国家和文化。
Hello, my name is Chosen and I am from Liaoning in China. I have been studying at Hutt Valley High School for almost five years. It is a big school with lots of students from other countries. It has many sports and subjects that you can choose from. There are lots of local students we talk with and different countries and cultures to learn about.

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Helpful Information for Families
- Online Enrolment Form
- 2025 & 2026 International Fees Schedule
- Home Stays & Support for International Students
- Testimonials from Hutt Valley High School’s International Students
- 2025 International Prospectus