There are a variety of ways that you can get involved and support Hutt Valley High School.
Supporting Students at HVHS
The school welcomes financial support for students, whether to support outstanding students, students in need or to address areas where government funding is insufficient to meet the school’s goals and aspirations. You can make a general donation or you can mention in the comment box if you’d like to donation to a support a specific area.
Areas where financial support is especially appreciated include:
- purchasing new uniforms
- donations to help purchase student-owned devices/laptops
- contributing to the costs for Education Outside of the Classroom (EOTC) including Year 9 camp and classroom excursions.
- contributions towards Breakfast Club
If you’d like more information or to discuss a specific donation please contact Principal, Denise Johnson at
HVHS Fitness Centre Refurbishment
The HVHS Board is raising funding to refurbish the lower Gymnasium into a Fitness Centre, which will be an asset for our students, staff and the wider community.
Refurbishing the Lower Gym will create a significant asset for HVHS students to support their athletic aspirations, and education about fitness, health and well-being and to instill lifelong habits that will be beneficial throughout life.
Disability access for all areas of the new facility will ensure an inclusive approach for students and the community. The refurbishment also aligns with the goals of our school and the aims of the Hutt Valley City Council’s Hutt City Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP) of providing key infrastructure, connecting communities together and providing equitable outcomes.
Donations and offers of support can be made below or by contacting Business Manager, Hayley McLean at For donations please use the reference ‘HVHS Fitness Centre’.
The school bank account is:
Hutt Valley High School

Volunteering as a Reader/Writer
Reader/writers assist students with learning differences and disabilities during their exams and assessments. As a reader/writer you’ll get the satisfaction of helping support students with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, physical disability or a sports injury to their writing hand!
We’re always looking for volunteers with clear spoken English, good reading skills, and either good handwriting or the computer skills to quickly type answers and navigate around an online exam. Training will be provided, and acceptance is subject to a satisfactory Police check.
What’s involved? Volunteers are needed at HVHS during school hours, especially from October to December. A reader/writer might help for 2-3 hours each term or up to 10 exams a year. We’ll match your availability and willingness to our student’s schedules. You can also say no if a certain day or date doesn’t suit your schedule.
To learn more please contact Raewyn Kerr on (04) 566 4584 or via email at
Sporting Involvement
Many of our sports teams are run with the assistance of parents and members of the public who care about sports.
Sport is a great way to advance students’ personal growth, both through physical well-being and health, and mentally through self-discipline and involvement with a team who have shared goals. Students meet others whom they would not normally meet within their classroom setting and so increase their network of friendships.
At Hutt Valley we have over 900 students playing regular competition sports, involving the assistance of well over 200 volunteers, including 50 teachers. We always need more help to run this large enterprise, which our Sports Director, Kristi Tia is thrilled to see continuing to grow. To say that a sports programme of this size is not possible without the support is a cliché, but it is absolutely true.
We need coaches, managers, scorers and people willing to provide transport either on a regular basis or for occasional trips, members of the various Sports Committees and volunteers for fundraising.
If you’re available to help please contact Sports Director, Kristi Tia at
The Music Department welcomes information about opportunities for students to participate and/or play in the community that would support and broaden students’ musical experiences.
Please contact Anna Flaherty at or Adrian Cartwright at
Supported Learning Centre
Tautoko our Supported Learning Centre caters for students with significant learning needs and, welcomes volunteer assistance to make resources. If you’re keen to help, contact Head of Tautoko, Heather Lear at
Past Pupils and Friends Association (PPFA)
This is a small group of our alumni who meet regularly to support the school and build connections with former students and staff of our school. The PPFA welcomes new of alumni activities around the world and help with writing articles for their newsletter. To get in touch please contact PPFA Chair, Christine Barnett at
Please note, under the Children’s Act 2014, any volunteers working directly with students must be vetted by the police.