Dance & Drama

Hutt Valley High School has the following Dance and Drama opportunities available for students.

Please contact the organisers for more information. These activities will have a display with more information at the Sports, Clubs and Performing Arts Expo at the start of each year.

HVHS Musical – Sweet Dreams

In term three of this year, we will be performing the musical Sweet Dreams. Auditions were held earlier in the year for actors, singers, dancers, musicians and combinations thereof. Auditions were open to all year levels. You can read the Drama Audition Scripts by clicking here

For any questions, please email Bernard Beckett at

Rock n Roll Dance

Staff contact – Matua Paul Morris (

The Rock n Roll Dance group meets on Tuesdays at 3.30pm and Wednesday lunchtimes in the S1 Dance room.

In 2024 we are aiming to participate and compete at the Hutt Valley Rock n Roll Club Champs and the Regional Championships.


Staff contact – Katriona MacDonald (

RockQuest is a nationwide, live, original music competition designed to give young musicians the opportunity to perform in a professional setting. In 2023, two HVHS bands competed at RockQuest in the Wellington heats, Pound-it and Dead Man’s Circus. With Dead Man’s Circus named as one of the top 12 bands in Wellington performing at RockQuest.

The RockQuest dates for 2024 haven’t been confirmed yet. For more information, visit RockQuest website


Staff contactAnna Flaherty (

Open to all year levels, keep an eye out in Term 1, 2024 for information on auditioning for ShowQuest. To learn more about ShowQuest, visit their website

Theatre Sports

Staff contact – Anna Flaherty (

Our Theatre Sports Club meets every Friday at lunchtime in the E5 drama room. Students get involved in a variety of drama games, learn improvisation (and that it’s fun) and the rules of Theatre Sports, and gain confidence as they work in teams of four making things up on the spot. It also contributes to Ad Alta.

The focus of the club is on creating a relaxed space where students can banter, share a laugh, think on their feet, and have fun getting their creative juices flowing. The club is open to all students and you’re welcome to come along to watch or get involved slowly with a non-speaking part.