For students who have English as an additional language, HVHS has a range of English language classes. There are classes at each year level (Years 9-13) and classes to support students who have basic English. Students can take more than one English Language class each week.
Developing confidence to speak and write in English and increasing the number of words students know is an important aspect of language classes at HVHS.
Classes also improve students’ listening and reading skills. Students study New Zealand culture and society and there are some fun trips exploring the local area throughout the year.
For students who are doing NCEA, English language classes offer credits in English Language. These classes also help you reach the level required for literacy (reading and writing) at NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3.
Please contact Sarah Roper (Head of English Language) at sarah.roper@hvhs.school.nz for more information.