Mathematics / Pāngarau

Kei hopu tōu ringa ki te aka tāepa, engari kia mau ki te aka matua.

Mathematics is the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in quantities, space, and time. Statistics is the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in data. These two disciplines are related but different ways of thinking and problem solving. Both equip students with effective means for investigating, interpreting, explaining, and making sense of the world in which they live.

Mathematicians and statisticians use symbols, graphs, and diagrams to help them find and communicate patterns and relationships, and they create models to represent both contextual and hypothetical situations. These situations are drawn from a wide range of social, cultural, scientific, technological, health, environmental, and economic contexts.

– Ministry of Education, Te Mātaiaho, The New Zealand Curriculum

Subjects Offered in 2025

The Learning Area of Mathematics includes the following subjects in 2025:

  • Mathematics in Years 9 & 10
  • Mathematical Methods or Mathematical Reasoning in Year 11
  • Calculus in Years 12 & 13
  • Statistics in Years 12 & 13
  • Mathematics in Year 13

Mathematics is available at all levels and is compulsory up to Year 11.  

Studying Mathematics

Hutt Valley High School maintains a broad curriculum for Years 9, 10 and 11, where students learn about Number, Algebra, Shape, Space, Geometry, Statistics and Probability.  Each topic has its nuances and subtleties and maintaining a breadth of knowledge is essential in understanding that the big picture of Mathematics is a puzzle of smaller pieces that link and connect like a jigsaw.  The more you know, the more they connect.

Mathematics has facilitated the development of the modern world and by understanding and applying mathematics to problems, both contextual and abstract, students will have a deeper knowledge of the workings of industries involving science, technology, engineering, exploration, business, economics and government.

Students in Years 12 and 13 can choose different courses depending on their future needs and pathways.

Additional help is available for students in Years 9 and 10 struggling with key mathematical skills, and alternate pathways exist in the senior school to cater for all abilities.

For more information, contact Jon Nash (Head of Mathematics) at

Additional Resources (Links to Maths Course Sites)

Learning Areas & Subjects