Technology / Hangarau

Kaua e rangiruatia te hāpai o te hoe;
e kore tō tātou waka e ū ki uta

Technology is intervention by design. It uses intellectual and practical resources to create technological outcomes, which expand human possibilities by addressing needs and realising opportunities.

Design is characterised by innovation and adaptation and is at the heart of technological practice. It is informed by critical and creative thinking and specific design processes. Effective and ethical design respects the unique relationship that New Zealanders have with their physical environment and embraces the significance of Māori culture and world views in its practice and innovation.

Technology makes enterprising use of knowledge, skills and practices for exploration and communication, some specific to areas within technology and some from other disciplines. These include digitally-aided design, programming, software development, various forms of technological modelling, and visual literacy – the ability to make sense of images and the ability to make images that make sense.

– Ministry of Education, Te Mātaiaho, The New Zealand Curriculum

Subjects Offered in 2025

The Learning Area of Technology includes the following subjects in 2025:

  • Digital Technology in Years 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
  • Product Design Technology in Years 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
  • Design and Visual Communication in Years 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
  • Computer Science in Years 12 & 13
  • Furniture & Construction in Years 11 & 12 and Furniture Making in Year 13
  • Mechanical Engineering in Years 11, 12 & 13

Studying Technology

Technology subjects are available at all levels for students to study.  In Years 9 & 10, students can study Digital Technology, Design and Visual Communication and Product Design Technology.  From Year 11, students can also select to study Furniture Making and Mechanical Engineering.  Computer Science is available to study from Year 12.   

Digital Technology – Students design and develop digital outcomes alongside developing their computational thinking skills. 

Design and visual communication –  Students design & develop product and spatial outcomes to fulfill a brief. Students communicate these ideas through, sketching and model-making. 

Product Design Technology –  Students design and develop their physical products using a range of different materials and processes such as wood, fabric, electronics, resin, laser cutting, 3D printing, casting and computer aided design (CAD).

Mechanical Engineering – Students learn skills and knowledge related to working in the engineering industry. Preparing them for apprenticeships in this area.  

Furniture Making – Students learn skills and knowledge related the building/ construction and joinery industry. Preparing them for apprenticeships in this area. 

Computer Science – Students develop skills and knowledge in computer programming, computer science concepts and networking. They then apply this knowledge to develop digital outcomes.  

For more information, contact Katie Long (Head of Technology) at

Learning Areas & Subjects