The Arts / Ngā Toi

Te toi whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka wehiwehi,
ka aweawe te ao katoa.

The arts are powerful forms of expression that recognise, value, and contribute to the unique bicultural and multicultural character of Aotearoa New Zealand, enriching the lives of all New Zealanders.

The arts have their own distinct languages that use both verbal and non-verbal conventions, mediated by selected processes and technologies. Through movement, sound, and image, the arts transform people’s creative ideas into expressive works that communicate layered meanings.

– Ministry of Education, Te Mātaiaho, The New Zealand Curriculum

Subjects Offered in 2025

The Arts Learning Area includes the following subjects in 2025:

  • Art in Years 9, 10 & 11
  • Art with Photography and Design in Year 11
  • Art Design in Years 12 & 13
  • Art Photography in Years 12 & 13
  • Dance in Years 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
  • Drama in Years 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
  • Music in Years 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
  • Music Performance in Years 11, 12 & 13
  • Media Studies in Years 11, 12 & 13

The Arts Learning Area

Art subjects are offered at all levels. Students learn how to participate in and celebrate their own and others’ visual worlds.  The emphasis is on the production of art and artworks, and making sense of the contexts in which they exist.

Dance is also available at all year levels. A practical course with emphasis on performance and creation, dance students are given the opportunity to perform their work in various contexts including an end of year public performance. 

Drama is available at all levels and allows students to develop their skills in devising and performing theatrical works. Public performance is strongly emphasised and students in Years 10-13 participate in a major class production.

Media Studies is offered in Year 11, 12 and 13. The course balances sociology with media production to give students a working knowledge around how to read, critique and create a range of media products. 

Music is a broad course covering all elements and standards with a focus on musical literacy.  Music is available at all levels.  Music Performance is offered in Years 11 & 12 (senior school) and focuses on group work and creative thinking skills. 

Contact Anna Flaherty (Head of The Arts) at or Adrian Cartwright (Head of The Arts) at for more information.

Learning Areas & Subjects