Main Office Reception
Office Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm (during term time)
Phone: +64 4 566 4584
Address: 84-114 Woburn Road, Woburn, 5010, Lower Hutt

Please include the following details when reporting a student absence: student’s name, mentor class and a reason for the absence.
Phone: (04) 560 1568
HVHS SchoolBridge App: select the ‘Report an Absence’ icon and follow the instructions.
Contact Details for Staff Members
To view the HVHS Staff List including email addresses click here
Resource Centre/ Uniform Shop
Resource Centre Hours: 11:00am to 2:30pm Monday to Thursday (during term time)
Phone: (04) 570 3551
Enrolment Enquiries
In-zone enrolments for 2024 are open. All enrolments are completed online, please visit the Enrolment page
For additional information, contact Lesley Mackay (Enrolment Coordinator) at
First Aid Room (Sick Bay)
To contact the First Aid Officer, Jo Canton, phone 04 566 4584 (Main Reception). In an emergency please call 111.
For more information visit the First Aid Room’s page
Quick Links
Kamar Portal (view student’s account & transactions – use your parent/caregiver password)
SchoolBridge (for subject selections and booking appointments)
HVHS Library (for viewing the collection and reserving materials)
Wellbeing Referral Form (for student referrals to the Wellbeing Team)